WOORI International Co., Ltd. [(주)우리인터내셔널]

NATURAL RUBBER WOORI International Co., Ltd. [(주)우리인터내셔널]

Rubber varieties and planting years significantly influence product quality, particularly the viscosity index, which is a key parameter in natural rubber applications. In major natural rubber-producing countries, manufacturers consistently use essential measuring and testing equipment, such as plasticity meters and viscometers, to ensure product standards during the manufacturing process.

For SVR CV60 natural rubber, controlling the production process through precise monitoring and timely calibration of measuring equipment is critical. This approach enables manufacturers to meet their production objectives by maintaining consistent quality through rigorous testing.

This revision clarifies the importance of rubber quality management and emphasizes the role of equipment in achieving high-quality standards.




  • Grade

  • Technical Features

  • Application

  • SVR 3L

  • 1. Light color
    2. High level of purity
    3. High elasticity and elongation
    4. Good aging resistance

  • 1. Shoe sole
    2. Belt
    3. Power cable
    4. Bicycle gut

  • SVR 10

  • 1. High level of hardness
    2. Low levels of impurities

  • 1. Tire repair
    2. Anti-shock cushioning products
    3. Railway rubber

  • SVR CV60

  • 1. Reduction of mixing times giving higher throughput
    2. Reduction of scraps and rejects due to better material uniformity
    3. Better resistance to chipping and chunking for off-the-road tires

  • 1. Tire tread
    2. Conveyor belts cover
    3. Inner-tube
    4. Automotive component

  • SVR CV50

  • 1. Stable viscosity
    2. Flexibility, adhesion has confirmed this rubber thrive on the domestic market as well as the world

  • 1. Automotive and machinery component
    2. Industrial rolls
    3. Wiper blade
    4. Conveyor belts cover

  • SVR 5

  • 1. High level of purity
    2. High elasticity and elongation
    3. Good aging resistance
    4. Bright color

  • 1. Car tire
    2. High quality straps
    3. Medical product
    4. Electronic product

  • SVR 20

  • 1. Low levels of impurities
    2. Sufficient elasticity and tensile strength

  • 1. Tire repair
    2. Anti-shock cushioning product
    3. Railway rubber
